1st prize school complex Käferholz

Together with zach &zünd, we won the planning selection procedure for the overall renovation of the Käferholz school complex in Zurich-Affoltern!

The school complex is a significant contemporary witness of the residential garden style of the 1940s. Designed and built by the renowned garden architects Merterns&Nussbaumer, Walter Leder and Ernst Baumann. Skillfully nestled in the topography and outstanding for its artistic concept and expert/masterful execution from the beginning.

As the site has evolved, the plants and materials have aged, so have the demands on the outdoor space. Playing, learning, chatting ... the demands on outdoor space are many. There is a place for everything and enough space for everything.

It is important to secure and maintain the qualities, to strengthen the potential for climate and biodiversity, and to integrate the new requirements carefully into the facility without diminishing its value.

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